February 8th Newsletter

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Torn Light Records
1855 N Milwaukee
Chicago, IL 60647
Open Everyday

The New Boyfriends – The Fourth Season

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The fourth installment from this brilliant Finnish duo consisting of APRAPAT and MOGAO, two relative newcomers who have climbed to the top of the pig-pile over the past 2 years. A certain Finnish “gatekeeper” claimed their debut tape was possibly one of the best Finnish harsh noise releases ever, and for my money, they’ve only gotten better since then. They follow their land’s tradition of junk metal abuse noise through mic’d amps, but their sonic skills and playful arrangements set them apart from the Zoom in the room temper tantrums with a trash can. Each track on this album has a unique and deliberate approach, but at the end of the day it’s just ripping harsh noise ear candy of the highest order.


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SKU 21386905