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Torn Light Records
1855 N Milwaukee
Chicago, IL 60647
Open Everyday

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  • Rolex – Promo 2022
    Rolex – Promo 2022
    $8.00 | , Add to cart

    THEY’RE BACK! Rolex is back with a promo that returns with a vengeance. From an upcoming split LP with my other favorite LA band, Grimly Forming. These are four of […]

  • Grand Scheme – Numbers Game
    Grand Scheme – Numbers Game
    $10.00 | , Add to cart

    Generations in hardcore move quickly. The scene changes constantly, and yet there is always a group of bands uninterested in the current trends. Some people just want to write aggressive […]

  • Shitty Life – Limits To Growth
    Shitty Life – Limits To Growth
    $10.00 | , Add to cart

    Blazing fast, Chitarrino-Punk from Parma, Italy. If you enjoy Shitty Limits, Youth Avoiders, or Social Cirkle, you will love this new record. You might have seen them on tour recently […]

  • Subliminal Excess – Witness
    Subliminal Excess – Witness
    $10.00 | , Add to cart

    From the depths of lower wacker…its the return of Subliminal Excess. With a demo that ushered in the cold reality of 2020, they are keeping that same energy with witness. […]

  • Lethal – Lethal’s Hardcore Hit Parade
    Lethal – Lethal’s Hardcore Hit Parade
    $9.00 | , Add to cart

    Crawling from beneath the streets of New York City is the brand new project from familiar faces, LETHAL. Bringing together UK influence with NYHC influence…reminding me of bands such as [...]

  • Ztuped – Are You Stupid?
    Ztuped – Are You Stupid?
    $9.00 | , Add to cart

    ARE YOU STUPID? Get ready to find out! This DC group of young guns are taking the IQ lower than a limbo pole. Playing punk hardcore inspired by greats such […]

  • Zig Zag – It Gets Worse
    Zig Zag – It Gets Worse
    $8.00 | , Add to cart

    After a well received demo, ZIG ZAG has been making waves at shows around America as well as their home ground of South Florida. Playing punk hardcore that is as […]