January 11th Newsletter

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Yoko Tawada – Where Europe Begins

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“Chosen as a 2005 Times Literary Supplement Book of the Year, Where Europe Begins has been described by the Russian literary phenomenon Victor Pelevin as “a spectacular journey through a world of colliding languages and multiplying cities.” In these stories’ disparate settings―Japan, Siberia, Russia, and Germany―the reader becomes as much a foreigner as the author, or the figures that fill this book: the ghost of a burned woman, a traveler on the Trans-Siberian railroad, a mechanical doll, a tongue, a monk who leaps into his own reflection. Through the timeless art of storytelling, Yoko Tawada discloses the virtues of bewilderment, estrangement, and Hilaritas: the goddess of rejoicing.”

New Directions Publishing, 2007 Softcover edition. Light general wear.



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