February 8th Newsletter

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Torn Light Records
1855 N Milwaukee
Chicago, IL 60647
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irr. app. (ext.) – An Uncertain Animal, Ruptured; Tissue Expanding In Conversation

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“an uncertin animal,ruptured; tissue expanding in conversation” has a matchinglysurrealistic sound and equally disturbing accompanying artwork (lots ofasparagus-esque vegetation and mutated muscle tissue). It was aco-release between Waldron’s own Errata In Excelsus label and theIcelandic label, Fire Inc. I contacted Matt and subsequently receivedfive of his CDs, discs of which I was looking forward to digesting,dissecting and reporting about, but in the time I’ve had them, themusic just becomes more unraveling with every listen. It’s no surprisethat Stapleton was interested in his work, which is essentially areinterpretation of the never before released on CD, long out of printand masters destroyed LP, “Insect and Individual Silenced” by Nursewith Wound. I haven’t heard it yet, but after hearing hours of workwhich never wears thin, I’m highly anticipating it. Waldron’s work isvery atypical of the volumes of CD-Rs that float around. It’s advanced,sonically challenging, created from a collage of musically imitatingsounds both found and created, seamlessly constructed. Matt seems tohave an unchallengable ear for when to introduce pianos, clanging,backwards bits, cut-up sounds, digital demons, resurrective rumblings,and only an occasional pulse. Yeah, it’s pretty dark. I find myselfgoing through evenings where I feel I want to just throw the discs allon, one after another, kill the lights and get a complete sensoryoverload. Maybe it’s time to try some new drugs. – brainwashed

Label: Errata In Excelsis – eie1, Fire Inc. – f-7
Country: Iceland
Released: 1998




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SKU 188621